Ajouter un nouveau bébé au mélange ?

Adding a New Baby to the Mix?
Check out Jessica’s interview with Dreaming of Baby

If you’re a household with a pet or two and a baby on the way, it’s wise to start preparing your furry friend(s) for the new arrival. Jessica Eden O’Neill, a Canine Behavior Expert, shows us how.

Charles: We have with us today Jessica O’Neill to discuss pets and babies! Jessica, would you be so kind as to introduce yourself to our readers and tell them a little about your work and experience.

Jessica Eden O’Neill: Hello, my name is Jessica Eden O’Neill. I’m a Canine Behavior Expert with a Diploma in Canine Behavior Science and Technology. I’m also a mother of four and have spent much of my career working with families and their dogs to establish a variety of goals, including but not limited to, introducing new family members to a household pet.

Baby on the way? Draw up a plan.



Visit us at www.petintel.ca to work with a behaviour and health coach.

Check out the group 'Dog Things to Consider' on Facebook for more tips.

Get Jessica Eden O'Neill's newlt published book here: https://amzn.to/3Q2p4qR